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Category: Health Care

  • How much does pet insurance increase each year

    How much does pet insurance increase each year

    No, you’re not imagining it. Your pet insurance premium DOES cost more to renew each year. Understandably, this annual price hike fills some “pawrents” with doubt – are they being taken for a ride? If you’re having second thoughts about renewing your policy, please know your provider isn’t ripping you off by lifting their premiumsRead More

  • Lethargy in cats

    Lethargy in cats

    Felines have a reputation for lulling around, without a care in the world. Older cats particularly love to snooze for a large chunk of the day! This laid-back energy comes with the territory of being a Kitty, so it can be difficult for pet owners to tell when their furry friend is exhausted for medicalRead More