Everyone knows that cats are mysterious, independent creatures with their own unique personalities. But there are some facts about Burmese cats that may surprise you. The Burmese cat breed originated in Asia and was brought to the United States in the 1950s as an exhibition breed. They’re known to be good at jumping, climbing, and even playing fetch! And did you know that not all cat breeds are covered by pet insurance? Here are 8 surprising facts about the Burmese cat and why you might need cat insurance to protect your kitty from illness or injury.
1) How well do you know your cat?
Cats are truly one of a kind, and I don’t think anyone will ever come up with an idea to be more bizarre or unique than what cats have already done. They can open doors and turn on faucets. They know when you’re sick. Some of them talk like human beings. Some even enjoy carrying on conversations with other animals. Cats are very intuitive creatures. Believe it or not, they actually talk to other animals! And they may be smarter than we give them credit for, as well-off as us humans are in this day and age.
2) What’s up with their head shape?
The head shape of the Burmese cat has a characteristic goiter-like bulge at the back of its neck that sometimes resembles a hunchback. The origin of this appearance is unknown, but some speculate that it could be related to a higher incidence of thyroid problems in these cats. The disease feline hyperthyroidism affects the metabolism and causes weight loss, vomiting, and excessive thirst. This is treatable with medication, so your cat might be able to live an entirely healthy life despite their funky head!
3) Are they related to Siamese cats?
What you might not know about the Burmese cat is that it’s actually more closely related to another Asian breed: the Siamese. Unlike their sleek, elegant cousins, Burmese cats are stocky and muscular-looking. In addition to looking a little different than Siamese cats, they also act differently in a number of ways. Whereas Siamese cats typically get along great with dogs and other animals, many Burmese tend to be standoffish with strangers or animals outside of their litter mates. This territorial behavior can put them at risk for injury when others come into your home without your permission. Which is why many people choose to insure their new best friend for an affordable monthly fee that covers any vet bills should something happen.
4) Where do they originate from?
Burmese cats are so named because they originate from Burma, which is now known as Myanmar. It’s unclear how they got their name, but they have been a part of the culture in this area for centuries. The breed is considered an ancient cat breed by most standards, and that distinction earns them membership in an exclusive club of cats with their own breed standard and their own history.
5) Why are so many mixed breed cats called Burmeses?
A breed of cat found in Asia, the Burmese was originally called such because of its resemblance to felines from Burma. In 1952, Mr. Harrison Weir defined what a purebred Burmese looked like, calling for them to have thick fur with markings on the face and paws. The BCA (Burma Cat Association) then officially recognized this new cat as a breed in 1961.
6) Do all Burmese cats have blue eyes?
Every cat in the world has blue eyes until they are about two weeks old. Most kittens’ eyes change from blue to their permanent color between five and eight weeks of age. But why do some cats, like a Burmese, have different colored eyes? The answer is because of that pesky gene called KITL.
7) How much do they cost?
A male cat costs on average $600 and a female cat costs around $700, but these prices vary depending on location. Costs also depend on whether you are purchasing from a breeder or adopting from a shelter. The price tag for your pet is not all that you need to consider when bringing home a cat. It is important to have plenty of time available for your new feline family member in order to keep them happy and healthy!
8) Are there any health issues that might be hereditary in the breed?
The healthiest members of this breed tend to be between six and eight years old. Many hereditarily healthy animals start having health problems when they’re 12 or 13 years old. Some breeds, such as Ragdolls, are genetically programmed to become obese. Obesity is a common genetic condition in cats because their kidneys cannot handle extra weight on their bodies.
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