Tabby Cat Training Tips – How to Get Your Furry Friend to Behave

Tabby Cat Training Tips How to Get Your Furry Friend to Behave 800x534 1

If you’re in search of tabby cat training tips, look no further! Below you’ll find all the information you need to get your feline friend to behave the way you want it to and stay out of trouble when you aren’t looking. Read on to find out how to properly introduce your tabby cat to its new home, how to stop it from scratching or shedding excessively, and much more!

Proper Nutrition

A feline’s diet is critical in keeping them healthy. Cats are obligate carnivores, which means they need a high amount of protein to stay healthy. If your cat is overweight, you should consider feeding him or her a high-quality wet food that is low in carbohydrates and fat. Dry food can be okay for some cats, but it’s not as nutritious. As with all pets, your cat should see the vet regularly for checkups and vaccinations. In addition, pet insurance will protect you from costly surgeries and bills from an unexpected illness. It’s also worth investing in some training classes for your pet so he or she can learn how to behave around other animals and people.

Keep The Litter Box Neat

You may have noticed that your kitty’s litter box has been a little messy lately. This could be because the litter box is too small, the wrong type of litter, or because there is something else causing your cat stress. One way to help prevent this is by investing in pet insurance for your furture furry friend. Pets are expensive and without proper coverage, you risk having to shell out a lot of money for vet bills when something happens. Consider getting pet insurance as soon as possible so that you can avoid an unexpected expense later on.

A Fun Schedule

Most cats are naturally curious and active. That’s why it’s important to establish a set routine that includes playtime and snuggle time, in addition to regular feeding times. Here are a few tips for training your tabby cat:

  • Make sure your pet is in the room with you when you’re eating or opening presents so they feel included
  • Designate a spot for kitty’s water and food dish, and make sure they have fresh food and water every day
  • Provide plenty of toys, like balls or wand-type toys, so they can release some energy during playtime
  • Put away any items that may seem enticing, like expensive shoes or remote controls
  • Provide them with plenty of space to roam and explore at will, such as a window perch, condo or scratching post
  • Create designated areas where they can go if they need to be alone, such as under the bed or behind closed doors.
  • Reward good behavior with treats! The positive reinforcement should come in many different forms — verbal praise, cuddles and hugs all count! Remember: there’s no perfect way to train your cat. It takes patience and consistency on both parts to find what works best for you and your tabby cat.

Positive Reinforcement

There are many reasons for misbehaviour, and the most important thing is to pinpoint the cause. If it’s simply a matter of a cat being in an unfamiliar environment, you can help by providing some comforting objects from home. Other causes may include illness or pain, but the best way to find out is by consulting your veterinarian. Whatever the reason, there are plenty of ways you can help train your tabby cat, including:

  • Play time: Cats love playing with toys and will behave better if they have something to occupy themselves with. Try throwing their favourite toy around or dangling some string so they can chase after it.
  • Scratching post: Provide your cat with a scratching post they’ll feel comfortable using instead of your furniture. You should also provide them with several different scratching posts to see which ones they prefer (some cats prefer vertical posts while others prefer horizontal posts). You can also spray their favourite scent onto the surface of the post, as cats usually like items that smell like themselves.
  • Treats: Cats love treats! Offer them up as a reward when they do well during training sessions. Remember that this is not a bribe; make sure you give them a treat every time because otherwise it will no longer be reinforcing behaviour and won’t work anymore. Make sure you only use healthy treats though; any food containing sugar should be given sparingly since cats don’t digest it well.

Correcting Misbehaviour

In the animal kingdom, cats are usually the dominant species. This means they can be quite stubborn and temperamental. So if you’re new to cat ownership, or if your feline friend is acting up from time-to-time, here are some tips on how to train your tabby cat.

  • Start with a good cat diet: When it comes down to it, food is one of your best tools for training a cat. The more you feed them, the better their behaviour will generally be (though not always). In addition, there are many brands of cat food that have been specifically designed for weight loss and management. These formulas provide all the necessary nutrients but in lower quantities than regular foods. In this way, you’ll be able to help keep your pet slim while still getting enough sustenance.
  • Keep things clean: Cats are naturally very clean animals who won’t go near anything dirty. If their litter box smells bad or is overflowing, then they might start using another surface as a toilet instead which will cause hygiene issues as well as stink up your house quickly.
  • Take care of any medical needs promptly: Healthy cats typically don’t act out much because they’re so content and comfortable in life. But unhealthy ones often behave poorly because pain may irritate them so much that it makes them angry. So if you notice any changes in your cat’s behaviour, take him/her to the vet ASAP. That way, no underlying health problems will be overlooked and addressed.

Extra Considerations

Training a tabby cat is not an easy task. There are many different strategies that you can use. Some people recommend using a water gun and squirting them with it when they do something wrong while others might suggest using a scratching post and rewarding the cat with treats whenever they use it. However, one of the best ways to train your tabby cat is by sitting on the floor with your back against a wall. Then, hold out your arm so that it’s in their reach and let them jump on you for attention. The key is not to move around too much or try to swat them away because this will only make the process more difficult for both of you.